Sunday, November 28, 2010

Terrible Straight Edge Tattoo 

“In the early 1980s the term ‘straight edge' was coined to describe a youth subculture within the punk rock scene, a subculture that chose a lifestyle that abstained from alcohol, tobacco and drugs as well as promiscuous sex” (Helton Online 1). Straight Edge is the ultimate form of rebellion. Many people see sXe as a form of reverse rebellion (Batsell Online 4) because the way of life mainstream had forced upon the youth was being challenged. The rebellion against society is what created Straight Edge. Vegetarianism (the absence of meat in one's diet) and animal rights has become closely related to sXe. “Earth Crisis [a hardcore band], for example, has led to the development of vegan [absence of all animal by-products from one's diet and absence of using products made with or tested on animals] straight edge, with its evangelistic vegan lifestyle and strong association with animal rights”

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