Sunday, November 21, 2010

Dragon Leg Tattoo 

Now let’s talk about the film itself. It is not a masterpiece by any stretch of the imagination but it’s a good thriller, its star definitely Noomi Rapace – an incredible performance – as the androgynous, bisexual, computer-hacking twenty-something, Lisbeth Salander. She is a cool chick and uber – nerd, the perfect anti – heroine for the 21st century. She’s odd, disturbed, intelligent, highly moral (in her own way), utterly uncompromising, violent, full of righteous anger and dispassionate – a fascinating character and wholly engaging. To be honest I can’t see anyone matching her. She’s going to be a real hard act to follow. Apparently she got the part after the producer saw her in a Sarah Kane play in Stockholm. If you know the work of Sarah Kane then it might give you some idea of the difficulty and depth of character one would need to have to play the part convincingly.

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